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Faculty Network Events Fund

Research & Learn

Faculty Network Events Fund

In addition to the resources and publications made available on our website and the outreach and networking opportunities available to faculty through programming like our webinars and conferences, FIREis pleased to offer limited funding support to faculty interested in pursuing free expression-related programming at their own institutions through our Faculty Network Events Fund.

The small grants offered from the events fund, to a maximum of $500, may not cover the entire cost of programming, but can make it easier to fully realize a program’s funding goals in the absence of alternative sources (i.e., from departmental or other institutional funds) without making professors resort to paying out of their own pockets. Debates and lectures, film screenings, and book club events are just some of the programs FIREis happy to support.

Faculty Network members interested in applying for funding support from FIREshould fill out and submit the below form, giving us much information as they’re able about their planned event and its expected costs. Expenses FIREis willing to help cover include, but are not necessarily limited to:

  • Room reservation and equipment (i.e., audio/video) rental fees
  • Photocopying
  • Refreshments
  • Reading materials (i.e., copies of books)
  • Transportation (excluding airfare)
  • Fees and/or incidental expenses for invited speakers

Certain expenses are ineligible for reimbursement by ÃÛÖ­ÏãÌÒ:

  • Funds cannot be used for the purchase of alcoholic beverages
  • Funds cannot be used in support of partisan political activity or campaigning
  • Funds must be used for events taking place in the future and cannot be used to cover the costs of events that have already taken place.

How to apply for funding

Faculty may for event funding by completing the form below. The application should include the following information:

  • A brief description of the planned activity and how it serves the goal of fostering free expression on campus
  • A description or itemization of the expenses you are hoping to get ÃÛÖ­ÏãÌÒ’s assistance in covering for your event. Please be as specific as you are able to at this stage.
  • A date or rough timeline for when you hope to hold your event, if you are able to provide this information.

FIRE will respond to inquiries within a few days, and may ask follow-up questions or request additional information. Once your funding is approved, be sure to keep receipts and/or invoices of the approved expenses, and send them to FIREfollowing the completion of your event. You will be eligible to receive your reimbursement either by check or through electronic transfer, which FIREwill provide following the completion of your event.

Faculty may email facultyoutreach@thefire.org should they have any questions.
