
Faculty Legal Defense Fund

Defending Your Rights

Submit a Case

Public college and university faculty who face a threat of sanction by their institution or have been punished for expressive activity — whether it’s instruction, scholarship, or speaking on issues of public concern — can submit matters for FLDF consideration. They can do so through FLDF’s dedicated 24-hour hotline at 254-500-FLDF (3533), or submit a case online. Our staff will quickly review the matter and, if it falls within FLDF’s mandate, connect the faculty member with one of the experienced nearby lawyers in the FLDF network for assistance.

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FIRE recognizes that colleges and universities play an especially vital role in preserving free thought within a free society. To this end, we place a special emphasis on defending the individual rights of students and faculty members at our nation’s campuses, including freedom of speech, freedom of association, due process, legal equality, religious liberty, and sanctity of conscience.

Public college and university faculty who face a threat of sanction by their institution or have been punished for expressive activity — whether it’s instruction, scholarship, or speaking on issues of public concern — can submit matters for FLDF consideration. They can do so through FLDF’s dedicated 24-hour Hotline at 254-500-FLDF (3533), or submit a case online. Our staff will quickly review the matter and, if it falls within FLDF’s mandate, connect the faculty member with one of the experienced nearby lawyers in the FLDF network for assistance.

The attorney will engage the faculty member directly as a client, then work with them through initial legal efforts such as advising on possible courses of action and trying to help resolve disputes with the institution or administrators. Funds from FLDF pay the legal fees for these initial steps.

If substantial further legal work appears warranted, including that the matter may require resolution in court, the attorney may apply on the faculty member’s behalf to FLDF’s Litigation Committee for further funding. If the matter is approved, FLDF may pay the legal fees for the litigation (or other further dispute resolution) needed to seek a positive outcome for the faculty member.

Frequently Asked Questions


Faculty Legal Defense Fund
  • The Fund pays fees and costs for FLDF participating attorneys for a set number of hours of initial legal work, subject to specified quantitative benchmarks. Such work can include (but is not necessarily limited to) consultation between the lawyer and faculty member, the lawyer’s review of relevant documents, informing the faculty client of legal (and/or other relevant) options, and/or negotiation or correspondence to resolve the legal issue.

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